New Facebook App Makes Green Actions Fun

GreenYrLife, developed by, is a Facebook app that makes green actions fun. For individuals wanting to play a different game and use their time efficiently, GreenYrLife is the app for you. It has a different concept that revolves around sustainability. 


It features various unique features that will keep the users hooked and learning something new daily. It has games, a wide range of video content, articles to inform the reader, and quizzes to test the knowledge they consume throughout the day. Here’s all you need to know about GreenYrLife.


The Concept Behind GreenYrLife

The whole idea behind creating a game like GreenYrLife was to provide users with an experience. It not only broadens their knowledge but also allows them to learn a thing or two about the environment. 


Since the world is moving towards sustainability solutions, this app will educate individuals on becoming greener and incorporating it into their daily lives. It will encourage people to make more environmentally friendly choices that will benefit the planet. 


All about ‘GreenYrLife’ Facebook App

It is an excellent innovation as it promotes great use of time rather than playing games that don’t add value to your life. GreenYrLife allows users to use features such as games, informative articles, and videos on sustainability. You can quiz yourself on how much knowledge you’ve gained on reducing your carbon footprint, reusing, and recycling. 



GreenYrLife’s tagline describes it best: The more you play, the greener you get. The more games you play, the more you’ll be aware of green actions, enhancing your knowledge. The best feature of this application is its ToDoList. 


It offers users multiple activities to finish, and at the end, they will be rewarded with green currency. Each activity will get users one step closer to achieving a reward. Once you start unlocking activities via the ToDoList, you will be provided more content, and your life will get greener than it was yesterday.



One of the fascinating features of GreenYrLife is the MyGreenSpace feature. Once you finish a game, view a green video, or read up on an informative article, you will earn some points. 


These are known as GreenChange. You get your house in the game, and with the currency, you are free to upgrade this house when you want. Once you start upgrading your house, you will earn many achievements and badges. 


You can even show off and display these on your Facebook page. It allows you to connect with more individuals playing this game or invite like-minded people to indulge in the GreenYrLife experience.  


Some still refrain from talking about environmental issues and their part in reducing, recycling, and reusing waste. Thus, this app focuses on a larger issue and aims to reach a huge number of people and help them see climate change as real and how they can make sustainable choices to make this world a better place for all to live in.